Technology may be thrilling for some people but dull and challenging for others. However, all will agree that it’s an extremely fascinating and rapidly growing field around the globe. In the following article, we have delved into and discovered some of the most fascinating and entertaining facts about technology that everybody (technophobes including) will appreciate.
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Under you’ll find information and facts about technology that include cellphones, computers, the Internet, security, gaming, and more.
The First-Ever Website
In 1989 British technologist Tim Berners Lee created the World Wide Web and published the first-ever website that can be located right here.

Tim was working for CERN during that time. He was the host of the first website using the NeXT Computer with the goal of allowing universities and scientists to easily share data.
The site was an archaic one and explained how the World Wide Web (W3) project in its entirety marked the beginning of the Internet Era as we know it today.
First Cellular/Mobile Phone Ever
Motorola launched the first phone in the World called the DynaTAC 8000x in the year 1983.
The portable phone was priced at $3,995 at the time of its release and included the option of 30 minutes worth of talking time.

Charging the device took 10 hours and could only hold 30 numbers of phone names in its memory.
It’s not surprising that only a few users bought the device. However, it was a major leap forward in the field of mobile technology.
Today cellphones and cell phones (now regardless of how inexpensive or costly the prices may be) are must-have gadgets in the lives of people.
The Most Powerful Supercomputer In The World
Riken Research Lab, as well as Fujitsu, created Fujitsu’s Fugaku supercomputer. The Fugaku supercomputer was launched in June of 2020. defeated IBM’s Summit supercomputer as the most powerful computer in the World.

This supercomputer broke records in terms of computations per second (Teraflops) as well as other supercomputer-related metrics.
Fugue has 442,000 Teraflops in performance, and a PlayStation 5 provides 10.2 Teraflops.
It was the First Computer Mouse
Coworkers at SRI Created the First Computer Mouse. Douglas Engelbart began the development of the computer mouse in the early 1960s. Bill English, a friend of Engelbart at SRI, designed the initial prototype in 1964. In 1967, Engelbart applied for an application for a mouse patent, and it was issued in the year 1970.

SRI has licensed this technology to different businesses, but the computer mouse wasn’t able to reach widespread commercial production until the year 1984. The first mouse was based on two or one wheels to record motion and only one button for clicking.
IT Professionals Stress About Technology, Just Like Everybody Else.
The majority of people imagine IT, specialists as being experts in the hardware as well as software. Thirty-one per cent of them identified “keeping up with technology” as the greatest challenge in the workplace, even though.
It is no surprise that IT professionals regularly have to deal with the latest equipment and software. New services and products are launched within the IT field each day. IT professionals who work with clients or multiple businesses might find themselves working with hundreds of various software and hardware options. For top-level IT experts, “impact on work-life balance” has precedence over technological problems. Numerous IT professionals have said they feel they’re constantly at work. However, they would never consider a different career.

The development of the computer was completed in 1945. The computer was put into service in December of that year. ENIAC could replace the computing power of 2400 human beings for a price in the range of $500,000. ENIC relied on radio octal-base tubes to operate. But, the tubes ran out on a daily basis and needed replacement. This signifies that ENIAC was running about 50% of the time and also experienced interruptions for tube replacements. The more specialized and long-lasting tubes later became available, resulting in failures every two to three days.
Wikipedia is Managed and Maintained by Millions of Humans as Well as Hundreds of Bots.
Everyone is aware Wikipedia relies on thousands of humans who contribute by technolgy. However, many people are unaware that hundreds of bots also contribute to the work, too.
Clubfoot NG catches vandalism on Wikipedia pages in near real-time. Many other bots add standardized data to Wikipedia’s online Encyclopedia. The combination of humans and bots makes sure that Wikipedia operates without a hitch 24/7, seven days a week.
Google’s Name Comes From A Spelling Error
70% of queries in the World are conducted through Google’s Search Engine. At times people ask what the origin of Google is derived from and how it came to be. The story behind the name is based on a spelling mistake.
A ” googol“, in math, is the number 1, followed by 100 zeros. Page initially wanted to name the search engine googol.

When the company was founded, it changed its name to Google. It is possible that the name is simpler to spell and appears more inviting on the screens. Google users perform billions of search queries every day on Google. It’s so well-known that it was made an expression of sorts a few years ago with users. In reality, the majority of people describe an online lookup as “Googling” something.

In the year 1981, Microsoft began the development of an application called “Interface Manager”. The majority of people don’t know that name since Interface Manager became Windows in 1983.
Microsoft launched Windows 1.0 in 1985, & today it’s the most popular operating system around the globe. It’s hard to believe that the OS could be successful even with its first name. Interface Manager is a perfect description of what the future of Windows will turn into. For the marketing team, for example, trying to make the name sound appealing or practical would have been difficult.
Everyone is familiar with Windows as well as the millions of PCs that are running using Windows 10 today. Interface Manager is a work-in-progress name and should be relegated to the past.
What was the First Apple Logo?
Ronald Wayne, Apple Computer Co co-founder, developed the first Apple logo at the time of establishing the company.

The 1970s saw Apple’s logo as a representation of Isaac Newton sitting under an apple tree. But, only a few people can recognize the original logo of the company when given a multi-choice test. The current minimalist logo that Apple has today embodies everything Apple is today about.
What is the Older Version of Web or Email?
Many people don’t know that email was created long before World Wide Web.
Prior to the advent of the web, email functioned differently than it does today.
Users are required to dial a rotary telephone in order to join Micronut and to access the webpage for email. Government agencies and academic researchers utilized email in the early days.

The use of HTML0 by consumers simply did not exist prior to the time that the Internet became a reality.
When you consider what email has become now, its initial format is outdated and impossible to understand. That’s why no one would like to go back to the email systems from the past.
Domain Names were Available Prior to 1995 for Free.
Domain name registration can cost around a couple of cents (or more) in the present. Prior to 1995, the registration of the domain name didn’t cost any money, however. It was the National Science Foundation that gave Network Solutions permission to charge for domain registrations for in the year. A two-year registration at a first cost $100.
A popular or parked domain is, naturally, a possibility. It could cost hundreds or even thousands in dollars. In 1995, just the names of a few thousand domains were available, and so there were not many businesses that could afford free domain names.
What was The First Ever .COM Domain?
Symbolic Inc. registered the first .COM domain on March 15th 1985. It was for obvious reasons that the company decided to register on the World Wide Web. is technically considered to be the first name for a domain to be registered. However, it wasn’t part of the registration procedure. Only 15,000 domains were added to the Internet in 1992. The domain names aren’t going even come close to eclipsing .COM any time soon and if it ever. Whatever happens, will hold its spot in history.
Google Was Put On Sale In 1999
The year 1999 was the most popular. Yahoo, along with Excite, were the two top spots in the search engine rankings. Larry Page pitched a sale of Google to Excite CEO George Bell.
Page sought $750,000 and one per cent of Excite to end the search engine he was developing. Bell refused the opportunity and plunged into the Internet’s mythology. In 2021, the majority of people weren’t aware of the name Excite, but everyone is aware and is using Google. Excite is now worth more than $300 billion.
These Billion-Dollar IT Companies Began in a Garage.
The tech industry is distinct from other sectors. Many of the most famous tech names actually began from founders’ garages.
In 1975 Bill Gates & Paul Allen were working from their garage to create Microsoft.

Google was created as a side project of Larry Page and Sergey Brin in a garage that they hired in 1998. Other businesses like Apple, Amazon, and many others started in garages too. Whatever the case, the technology industry’s biggest names often have humble beginnings. Today, they’re valued at billions and not stopping.
This is the World’s Largest Hard Disk Drive (HDD)
Seagate introduced its Exons 20+ HDD (HDD) at the end of December 2020. The HDD uses MACH2 and HAMR technologies to provide 20 Terabytes (TB) in storage. Most home computers use hard drives that range between 1TB and 4TB. Data centers and companies might require significantly more powerful hard disks.
Solid-state drives (SSDs) continue to increase in popularity. However, the HDD remains a viable option with greater capacity, particularly in larger capacities.
How Many Computer Viruses are Found Every day?
The AV-TEST institute detects greater than 350,000 fresh viruses and harmful programs every single day by the use of technology. This is a reference to viruses, malware and unwelcome applications. Millions of known viruses continue to be discovered each day.

In 2021 AV-Test estimates a total of more than 1191 million malware total. Yet, the value of an effective antivirus program can’t be overemphasize. It is essential for users to safeguard themselves from infections whenever they can.

Today millions of homes are using the Amazon Echo device or similar Amazon smart devices that are rely on Alexa.
These intelligent assistants can provide convenience and utility in numerous ways. It’s not widely known that they store conversations made by technology with the device on the cloud, however. Users are able to delete the conversations on their device’s settings at any time. This provides additional security and protects against hackers that steal information.
What Is GPS Going to Cost to Control and Run?
Most people are unaware that American taxpayers support GPS. Millions of people utilize GPS to navigate and for tracking their location every day. The year 2020 was the last time $1.71 billion would be needed to finance the main programmed in the United States. The cost of GPS tends to rise as the system acquire upgrades and upgrades.

The 2021 budget for the GPS program and infrastructure is more than $1.8 billion. At present, it is the Department of Defense manages GPS in general. Additional funding is provided by the Department of Transportation for civilian enhancements to the GPS system. US law guarantees that GPS is accessible at no cost for all direct users. There is the intention of privatizing GPS in the near future.
What is the Number of Websites that Exist on the World Wide Web?
There are more than 1.5 billion websites accessible across the World Wide Web today. The Internet hit one billion websites for the first time in September 2014.

Surprisingly, three-quarters of websites are not active, which means that there are around 200 million websites active. Inactive websites comprise the parked domains as well as other similar scenarios.